诉前财产保全担保 诉中财产保全担保 继续执行担保 证据保全担保 行为保全担保 解封担保 履约保函 投标保函 预付款保函 农民工工资保函
## 中英文履约保函怎么写模板 ### **中英文履约保函写作模板** **中文履约保函模板** **致:** [收款方名称] **尊敬的各位:** 茲证明,本公司 [担保方名称] ("本公司") 为 [承包方名称] ("承包方") 于与贵公司签订的 [合约编号] 号("合同")项下应履行之履约义务("履约义务")提供无条件、不可撤销的连带责任履约保函("本保函")。 **担保金额:** [担保金额] **有效期:** 自 [保函生效日期] 起至 [保函到期日期] 止。 鉴于承包方提出请求,本公司特此提供本保函,并无条件、不可撤销地向贵公司保证,承包方如未履行合同项下之履约义务,则本公司将应贵公司书面要求,在收到贵公司书面索赔通知后 [天数] 个工作日内,向贵公司支付不超过本保函所载担保金额之金额("索赔金额")。 本公司之付款义务不以贵公司是否对承包方采取法律行动为前提条件,亦不因贵公司与承包方之间针对合同存在任何争议或纠纷而受影响。本公司之付款义务自收到贵公司书面索赔通知之日起 [天数] 个工作日内履行完完毕。 本公司对贵公司之付款义务独立于承包方对贵公司之付款义务。本公司对承包方不承担任何形式之追索权。 本保函应解释为根据 [法律] 签订的合约,并受 [法律] 管辖,且对各方均具有约束力。 **担保方:** [担保方名称] **授权代表:** [授权代表姓名] **日期:** [日期] --- **英文履约保函模板** **Performance Bond** **To: [Beneficiary Name]** **Gentlemen:** We, [Surety Name] ("Surety"), hereby bind ourselves jointly and severally for and on behalf of [Contractor Name] ("Contractor") to Your goodselves for the due performance of the Contract No. [Contract Number] (the "Contract") entered into by and between Contractor and You. **Bond Amount:** [Bond Amount] **Effective Date:** [Effective Date] **Expiration Date:** [Expiration Date] Whereas, Contractor has requested Surety furnish this Bond, Surety hereby undertakes and guarantees unconditionally and irrevocably to You that should Contractor fail to perform its obligations under the Contract, Surety will pay to You, upon Your written demand, the amount set forth in the Bond up to the penal sum of this Bond, (the "Claim Amount"); in no event shall the aggregate liability of Surety exceed the Bond Amount. Surety's obligation to pay shall not be conditional upon any action taken by You against Contractor or the existence of any dispute between Contractor and You with respect to the Contract. Surety's obligation to pay shall be due and payable to You within [Number of Days] business days from the date of Your written demand. Surety's obligation to pay You shall be independent of Your rights against Contractor and Surety shall have no recourse against Contractor for any payments made by Surety to You. This Bond shall be deemed to be a contract executed in accordance with the laws of [Governing Law] and shall be interpreted and construed in accordance with such laws and shall be binding upon the parties hereto. **In Witness Whereof:** **Surety:** [Surety Name] **By:** [Authorized Signatory] **Date:** [Date]