诉前财产保全担保 诉中财产保全担保 继续执行担保 证据保全担保 行为保全担保 解封担保 履约保函 投标保函 预付款保函 农民工工资保函
外贸出口质量保函英文格式 Quality Guarantee Letter for Foreign Trade Export [日期/ Date] [发件人姓名/ Sender's Name] [发件人公司名称/ Sender's Company Name] [发件人地址/ Sender's Address] [发件人联系电话/ Sender's Contact Number] [收件人姓名/ Recipient's Name] [收件人公司名称/ Recipient's Company Name] [收件人地址/ Recipient's Address] [收件人联系电话/ Recipient's Contact Number] 尊敬的[收件人姓名], 我方希望确认我们与贵公司的出口交易,并就所提供的产品质量问题提供保证。特此为此次交易签署本质量保函。 在此,我方[发件人公司名称]作为出口交易的供应商,确保所提供的产品符合以下质量标准: 1. 产品的设计、制造和包装将遵守相关的国际质量标准; 2. 所有产品都将经过严格的检验和测试,以确保其符合贵公司的要求; 3. 产品的性能、功能和规格将与合同中约定的相符; 4. 我方将全力配合贵公司对产品的使用和安装提供必要的技术支持和培训; 在贵公司购买我方产品后的若干保修期内,如果产品存在任何质量问题或不符合合同约定,我方将承担以下责任: 1. 在接到贵公司通知后的[XX]个工作日内,我方将立即对产品进行检查和修理; 2. 如果修理无法解决问题,我方将及时替换有问题的产品,并承担相关费用; 3. 我方将为贵公司提供所需的技术支持和咨询服务,以解决出现的质量问题。 若因我方在产品质量上存在不当行为而导致贵公司遭受损失,我方将承担全部赔偿责任。 请注意,本保函仅适用于贵公司购买我方产品的特定合同和交易。如有其他协议或变更,应通过书面方式进行确认。 此致 [发件人姓名] [发件人职务] [发件人签名] ----------------------------------------------- Dear [Recipient's Name], We would like to confirm our export transaction with your company and provide assurance regarding the quality of the products supplied. Accordingly, we are issuing this Quality Guarantee Letter for the current transaction. As the supplier of the exported goods, [Sender's Company Name], hereby ensures that the provided products comply with the following quality standards: 1. The design, manufacturing, and packaging of the products will adhere to relevant international quality standards. 2. All products will undergo rigorous inspection and testing to ensure compliance with your company's requirements. 3. The performance, functionality, and specifications of the products will align with the provisions specified in the contract. 4. We will fully support your company with necessary technical assistance and training for product usage and installation. In the event that any quality issues or non-compliance with the contract arise during the warranty period after purchasing our products, we will undertake the following responsibilities: 1. Upon receiving notification from your company, we will promptly inspect and repair the defective products within [XX] working days. 2. If repairs are not feasible, we will promptly replace the faulty products at our expense. 3. We will provide your company with the necessary technical support and consultation to address any quality-related concerns. We undertake full liability for any losses incurred by your company due to improper behavior on our part concerning product quality. Please note that this letter solely applies to the specific contract and transaction between your company and ours for the purchase of our products. Any additional agreements or modifications should be confirmed in writing. Sincerely, [Sender's Name] [Sender's Position] [Sender's Signature]